I come from strong women

I come from strong women

Your legacy is one of pure love...

I wrote this piece for you one late night after you passed, thinking of your legacy. What kind of legacy will I leave behind?

Then I realized your legacy lives inside of me, and in the many lives you touched. You are my chosen family and I know you saw me as yours. It’s a magical thing how people can come together from different backgrounds and be so influential in your life. This is what the time I spent with you meant to me.

I come from women who are strong and independent

I come from gentle hearts and kind souls

I come from life lessons and valuable advice

I come from women who love with fury

I come from women to feed the multitudes

I come from women who take in stray children and make them their own

I come from women who would do anything for complete strangers

I come from women who take in the broken hearted and heal their pain

I come from women who celebrate each other’s victories

I come from women who empower other women

I come from never ending love and compassion

I come from kindness

In memory of the most gentle soul, Grandma Myrtle.

Who is your embodiment of a strong woman?

Comment Below.



The Emotional, Hype Playlist

The Emotional, Hype Playlist